The highly-anticipated film, based on the blockbuster gaming series developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K, got a sneak peek Thursday during the Lionsgate panel at CinemaCon. The first footage for Borderlands has arrived - and just like the immensely popular video game series, it was spectacular. With just over a month to go before Jurassic World Dominion finally bursts into theaters, perhaps some of this footage will emerge online in the coming weeks. Malcolm’s startled reaction to Owen’s determination to rescue the raptor hints the characters will play well off each other, and that there will be plenty of humor in between the jaw-dropping action sequences. The CinemaCon footage also indicates the returning Jurassic Park characters will be excellent additions to the World ensemble. Because of that, Jurassic World Dominion will likely make for an ideal big screen viewing experience.
The CinemaCon footage suggests that the concept of dinosaurs running amuck in the human world will actually reach its full potential, as seen with the city chase.
The rebooted trilogy has been a big hit at the box office, but it’s the returns of Neill, Dern, and Goldblum that have contributed to the outpouring of excitement for Dominion. Find out more at .Įvery bit of Jurassic World Dominion footage that has been revealed so far has stirred up excitement among audiences. It’s unclear when the film will be released.
Midnite Movie Club’s first movie, Let Them Die, will start production this summer. There is a major crossover for collectors and movie lovers so offering NFTs as part of our project is a natural choice.” We believe NFTs are a fun way to give members access to our community perks through a collectible item. It is your key to the kingdom, so to speak, and it is how you cast your vote and help the filmmakers develop their films.
The MMC is a private community, like a country club or a gym, and your NFT acts as your membership card. Most people think of NFTs as just the artwork, but it is the underlying technology behind them that makes the Midnite Movie Club possible. In the coming years, this technology will revolutionize many aspects of our daily lives and the film industry is no exception. “NFTs, blockchain and Web3 are the future of the internet. How this will ultimately take off remains to be seen, but Lillard and Whirity are optimistic.
They compare the studio to something like a gym membership that offers exclusive perks to its members, and that getting involved with the filmmaking process offers so much more than what people typically expect from NFTs. Matthew Lillard and Bill Whirity feel that going with NFTs for Midnite Movie Club is what needs to be done for the future of film.